The Adventure of the Christmas...

The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding. 2021 ed

57,63 zł
Brutto realizacja 3-5 dni + wysyłka
Harper Collins
26 egz.

Agatha Christie's seasonal Poirot and Marple short story collection in a new hardback special edition. First came a sinister warning to Poirot not to eat any plum pudding... then the discovery of a corpse in a chest... next, an overheard quarrel that led to murder... the strange case of the dead man who altered his eating habits... and the puzzle of the victim who dreamt his own suicide. What links these five baffling cases? The little grey cells of Monsieur Hercule Poirot! Contains the stories: * The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding * The Mystery of the Spanish Chest * Four-And-Twenty Blackbirds * The Under Dog * The Dream
Agatha Christie
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